Template: Convert/doc

From New World Encyclopedia

Examples of how to use the Convert template

Basic input and variable parameters

In order to . . . add this parameter text / code to enter It will look like
convert feet to meters {{convert|100|ft}} OR
100 feet (30 m)
convert metres to feet {{convert|100|m}} 100 meters (330 ft)
Produce US spellings sp=us {{convert|100|m|sp=us}} 100 meters (330 ft)
Abbreviate the initial unit abbr=on {{convert|100|m|abbr=on}} 100 m (330 ft)
Hyphenate the initial unit adj=on {{convert|100|ft|adj=on}} 100-foot (30 m)
Produce a conversion rounded to
three significant figures
sigfig=3 {{convert|100|ft|sigfig=3}} 100 feet (30.5 m)
Produce a conversion rounded to
four significant figures
sigfig=4 {{convert|100|ft|sigfig=4}} 100 feet (30.48 m)
Round to
nearest 10%
0 {{convert|100|ft|0}} 100 feet (30 m)
Round to
nearest 1%
1 {{convert|100|ft|1}} 100 feet (30.5 m)
Round to
nearest 0.1%
2 {{convert|100|ft|2}} 100 feet (30.48 m)

Standard format for a single value conversion


Standard format for converting a range of values


Partial list of possible values that can be used

original_value original_unit
and conversion_unit
(not a complete list)
range round_to other options
(add with
a | (pipe))
any number
(no commas;
hyphen for negative values)
km, m, cm, mm, mi, yd, ft, in, km2, m2, cm2, mm2, sqmi, sqft, sqin, km3, m3, cc, l, cl, ml, cuft, cuin, USgal, USqt, USpt, USoz, m/s, km/h, mph, ft/s, kn (knot), °C, °F, kg, g, mg, lb, oz, MT (metric ton) LT (long ton), ST (short ton) and,
0, 1, 2, 3,
sigfig=3 sigfig=4
. . .
sp=us, abbr=on, adj=on

Sample inputs for units of length

If you want to convert . . . text / code to enter It will look like Notes
feet to meters {{convert|100|ft}} 100 feet (30 m) The default conversion
for feet is m.
meters to feet {{convert|100|m}} 100 meters (330 ft) Default spelling is metres.
meters to feet (US spelling) {{convert|100|m|sp=US}} 100 meters (330 ft) (add sp=us parameter)
feet to meters (hyphenated
base unit)
{{convert|100|ft|adj=on}} 100-foot (30 m) (add adj=on parameter)
feet to meters (abbreviated
base unit)
{{convert|100|ft|abbr=on}} 100 ft (30 m) (add abbr=on parameter)
inches to millimeters {{convert|10|in}} 10 inches (250 mm) The default conversion
for inches is mm
inches to centimeters {{convert|10|in|cm}} 10 inches (25 cm) Add the cm parameter, if you
don't want the result in mm.
miles to kilometers {{convert|10|mi}} 10 miles (16 km)
kilometres to miles {{convert|10|km}} 10 kilometers (6.2 mi)
kilometers to miles
(US spelling)
{{convert|10|km|sp=us}} 10 kilometers (6.2 mi) (add sp=us parameter)
kilometers to miles
{{convert|10|km|abbr=on}} 10 km (6.2 mi) (add abbr=on parameter)

Sample inputs for units of area

If you want to convert . . . text / code to enter It will look like Notes
square km to square mi {{convert|100|km2}} 100 square kilometers (39 sq mi)
square mi to square km {{convert|100|sqmi}} 100 square miles (260 km²)
square m to square ft {{convert|100|m2}} 100 square meters (1,100 sq ft)
square ft to square m {{convert|100|sqft}} 100 square feet (9.3 m²)
square cm to square in {{convert|100|cm2}} 100 square centimeters (16 sq in)
square in to square cm {{convert|100|sqin}} 100 square inches (650 cm²)

Further Information

Converting a range of values

If you want to convert . . . text / code to enter It will look like Notes
30 x 50 square km to sq mi. {{convert|30|by|50|km2|mi2|3}} 30 by 50 square kilometers (11.583 sq mi × 19.305 sq mi) the 3 yields 3 decimal points
360 x 160 ft {{convert|360|by|160|ft|1}} 360 by 160 feet (109.7 m × 48.8 m) the 1 yields 1 decimal point
50 to 80 pounds to kg {{convert|50|-|80|lb|kg}} 50–80 pounds (22.7–36.3 kg)